
顯示從 12月, 2013 起發佈的文章

生活的藝術 Life Art

當大家想到紋身的時候,會聯想到什麼?水手?壞人?比吞千支針還要痛?變胖了會有喜感? 小弟第一個聯想到的東西是『刺身』,有時還會把紋身說成刺身!感覺上刺身在字面意義更勝紋身,不這麼認為嗎? When you think about Tattoo, what will you imagine?  Sailor?  Bad gay?  Much painful then eat thousands of needle?  Much interesting after becoming fat? 無論想到什麼都好,小弟在前陣子的網路上看到不少獨特的 刺身 紋身作品,可以說是生活的藝術。在過了差不多一個月後,小弟也有機會得到同樣的材料去做同樣的藝術作品了!! No matter what you're imagining, I'd seen many special tattoo art on interest that all are really Life Art!  After a month, I have a chance to get the same material to do the same thing!!

聖誕快樂 Merry Christmas!!!

pixiv: http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=40427110 先在這裡說一句『聖誕快樂!』。 Let me say to everyone "Merry X'mas!". 重新寫部落格後的第一個節日,當然少不了一幅節日的主題插畫了。沒有太多時間去處理部落格也是一個大問題,還有教學或分享文也很花時間,不過還是會先繼續看看,直到部落格的流量並沒有起息才決定以後如何吧。 This is the first festival after I re-start to manage my blog, so I'd drawn a illustration for this Christmas.  There is a big problem that I have no much time to arrange my blog, and also tutorials.  But I'll keep on right now, until there is no improvement on the flow of here. 因為是速畫,並沒有為教學做截圖,所以送上幾個主要步驟的圖吧。 Between of speed drawing, I'd not made capture for tutorial.  So I'd like to post few drawing of main steps.