2014 馬年賀狀 Celebration of Chinese New Year of Horse
Pixiv: http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=41340402 G+: https://plus.google.com/112238740784957262137/posts/W5CdL5StZED 上色完成。。。很久沒有上色,很久沒有畫金屬和反光的東西,沒想到會這麼花時間。 Coloring completed...... have not do colored work for a long time, and also have not draw metal and reflective objects, this really took much time. 再次向各位拜年。 祝 各位, 馬年亨通 心想事成 身體健康 馬到功成 Wish everyone have a nice year!