Notice 通告
由於本人有幸以一名畫師身份正式工作,所以個人作品數量將會大減,但保證一有時間就會畫。 很多謝一直以來喜歡小弟作品的朋友,以及對小弟作品給了不少意見的朋友,讓小弟的畫在短短一年間進步不少,也讓小弟比預想中早了一年以上獲得這次工作的機會。 I'm very pleasure that I'm now working as a Drawing Artist, so number of personal works will be reducing, but I will draw personal works when I'm free. Thanks to whose love my works, and give me much opinions that I can gain a great improvement within the past year, and let me get this chance earlier over a year than my expecting. 關於小弟的動向,或一些工作相關的畫,在允許的情況下會在小弟下列的個人地方上發佈,如有興趣可以追蹤: About my activities, or my works, I will post on the following place when I get approval. Please follow if you get interest: G+: Facebook: Pixiv: deviantArt: 這幅的連結 Link of this Art: #pixiv : #deviantart : http://set...