
顯示從 2月, 2015 起發佈的文章

RG15 出席決定!!

pixiv:  http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=48938705 Rainbow Gala (RG) 是香港的同人活動,由於只接受團體報名,所以小弟一直都無法參與。 Rainbow Gala (RG) is a Doujin Event in Hong Kong.  I'd never applied to it because it only accepts communities. 到了今年,有幸受到 Henshin Cafe 的邀請為繪本作畫,終於可以參與活動了! Until this year, I'm glad to be invited by Henshin Cafe as an illustrator for artbook, and participate in this event! 請對Henshin Cafe 和小弟的 Facebook 專頁讚好,以得到進一步的更新資料,謝謝。 Please like the Facebook Fan Page of Henshin Cafe and me for more updated information. Thank you. Henshin Cafe: www.facebook.com/Henshin.Cafe 我的專頁 My page: www.facebook.com/nekoillust

恭喜發財!! Happy Lunar New Year!!

這麼快又一年,今年是羊年,祝大家 身體健康,心想事成! 19 Feb 2015 is Lunar New Year of Chinese.  So I'd like to draw a greeting card for our New Year of The Sheep. 過去一年,小弟換了不少東西,大桌子、繪圖板、繪圖軟件、畫風等等,現在這種作畫風格和方法都已經熟練和穩定了,所以今年的目標是背景,希望今年可以改善這個弱項! In the past year, I'd changed many things, big desk, drawing tablet, drawing software, drawing style, etc.  And now, I'd got this drawing style and method.  So I set my target for this year, Background.  I hope I can have improvement on it. facebook   :  https://www.facebook.com/nekoillust pixiv   :  http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=48831400 deviantArt  :  http://parsuechoi.deviantart.com/art/2015-Chinese-Year-of-The-Sheep-514816243 Gocomi   :  http://gocomi.net/illust/253

情人節快樂! Happy Valentines Day!

又到了情人節,雖然本人是單身主義,但也祝大家有個甜蜜的情人節。 Happy Valentines Day.  Although I'm a  celibate, I wish everyone have a sweet valentines day. facebook  :  https://www.facebook.com/nekoillust pixiv  :  http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=48754322 deviantart  :  http://parsuechoi.deviantart.com/art/2015-02-14-Valentine-2015-post-513859883 gocomi  :  http://gocomi.net/illust/251

比賽準備中... Contest preparing...

Link: http://www.pixiv.net/contest/chainchronicle 小弟正在準備這個比賽的作品中,加上換傢俱的關係,所以這兩個星期都沒有更新,繪製過程影片也暫停了。 Because I'm preparing drawing for this contest, and also changing furniture, I've not updated my blog for 2 weeks, and live drawing video project is paused temporarily.

房間新進化!Revolution of my Room

經過一個月的苦等後,小弟的L形直角桌子終於到來了!! After waiting for a month, L-sharp table is arrival!! 由於 CintiQ 24HD,令小弟失去了必要的桌面,所以提早購入L桌! I lose my desktop because of CintiQ 24HD, so I bought this L-sharp!