RG15 出席決定!!
pixiv: http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=48938705 Rainbow Gala (RG) 是香港的同人活動,由於只接受團體報名,所以小弟一直都無法參與。 Rainbow Gala (RG) is a Doujin Event in Hong Kong. I'd never applied to it because it only accepts communities. 到了今年,有幸受到 Henshin Cafe 的邀請為繪本作畫,終於可以參與活動了! Until this year, I'm glad to be invited by Henshin Cafe as an illustrator for artbook, and participate in this event! 請對Henshin Cafe 和小弟的 Facebook 專頁讚好,以得到進一步的更新資料,謝謝。 Please like the Facebook Fan Page of Henshin Cafe and me for more updated information. Thank you. Henshin Cafe: www.facebook.com/Henshin.Cafe 我的專頁 My page: www.facebook.com/nekoillust