
顯示從 1月, 2015 起發佈的文章

南国みかん (いたずらBANK) にゃ~ん

にゃ~ん 早前,因為在 Tokyo Otaku Mode 有限時 $5 元優惠,所以就買了一下想要很久的貓貓儲金箱了! 真的超可愛 ~♥o♥~ Nya~n Because I got $5 dollars offer from Tokyo Otaku Mode, I decided to buy this Itazura Bank. Really lovely ~♥o♥~

Live Drawing Video × 3!

記錄繪製過程的計畫,因為HDD故障的問題而暫停了幾個月,現在終於再次展開了! The Project which recorded my drawing process is temporarily stopped because of HDD damage.  And now, the project is re-started!!! 現在已經積存了三個沒有在這裡發佈過的繪製過程影片,這次在這裡一次過發佈! Now there are 3 drawing process videos not posted in here.  So I'm now going to post here.

Wacom CintiQ 24HD 使用報告 Usage Report

購入 Wacom CintiQ 24HD 後的一個多星期,每天就是畫畫畫,加上更換了新的 HDD,電腦可以再次錄製繪畫過程,所以把使用報告拖到今天才寫了。。。 After buying Wacom CintiQ 24HD for over 1 weeks, I just drew drew and drew.  And also I'd replaced my damaged HDD of my PC, I can record my drawing process again.  So I'd delayed this usage report to now. 開箱文 Open Box Review: http://parsue.blogspot.hk/2014/12/new-equipment.html