Wacom CintiQ 24HD 使用報告 Usage Report

購入 Wacom CintiQ 24HD 後的一個多星期,每天就是畫畫畫,加上更換了新的 HDD,電腦可以再次錄製繪畫過程,所以把使用報告拖到今天才寫了。。。
After buying Wacom CintiQ 24HD for over 1 weeks, I just drew drew and drew.  And also I'd replaced my damaged HDD of my PC, I can record my drawing process again.  So I'd delayed this usage report to now.

在聖誕前購買的畫板,當然會用聖誕主題來作測試,第一個感覺是顏色怪怪的,跟小弟的 EIZO 繪圖顯示器有太大出入。到設定中看看色溫預設是 6500K,於是把顯示咭對這個顯示器的色溫定在 6500K 後,一切就正常了,其他設定則維持不變。
For testing of a drawing tablet bought before christmas, I'd like to draw a christmas theme.  The first feeling is strange colour that is great different to my EIZO monitor.  I found that the default colour temp is 6500K, so I change the output color temp to this monitor to 6500K and all goes normal.  I keep other setting as default.

As a testing drawing, I tried some different things on it.  I also made a snowflake resource for testing the accuracy.  I can only say PERFECT on it.  As I accustomed to traditional drawing, it's really suitable for me.

pixiv : http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=47735021
deviantArt : http://seto613.deviantart.com/art/X-mas-2014-502269683
Gocomi : http://gocomi.net/illust/230

以往用 intuos 5 M 時,處理細節時比較吃力,用精準模式又太累人;而 CintiQ 24HD 給小弟的感覺是整個螢光幕都變成精準模式,加上直覺的畫在螢光幕上,細節的處理都變得輕鬆,畫速提升30%!
Of course, it's not enough to test CintiQ by a simple drawing, so I switched to serious mode and do a detail drawing for new year 2015!
When using intuos 5 M, it's quite hard to handle details, precision mode is not good to use (for me).  And now on CintiQ 24HD, I just feel the whole monitor is in precision mode, and also I draw directly on it, I can handle details much more easily, drawing speed is up about 30%!

pixiv : http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=47902882
deviantArt : http://seto613.deviantart.com/art/2015-01-01-Draw-to-2015-503874194
gocomi : http://gocomi.net/illust/232

畫一畫就新的一年,在試過 CintiQ 24HD 的準確快後,當然要試反應速度如何,速畫就是最好的選擇!
New year is arrived when I concentrated on my work.  After testing the accuracy of CintiQ 24HD, I should test the response speed of it.  So I do some speed drawing on it.
This day was first day of 2015.  Happy New Year, everybody!  So I drew a New Year Card.  The whole drawing process was so smooth and natural,  and I finished it after 3 hours.

pixiv : http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=47919825
deviantart : http://parsuechoi.deviantart.com/art/Happy-New-Year-2015-504069376
gocomi : http://gocomi.net/illust/233


/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\ 題外話 Digression /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\
CintiQ 24HD 真的很大,小弟的5呎寫字桌的空間差不多被活埋,而小弟也沒有了桌面可用了。所以小弟另外訂造了一張L形的寫字桌,月底會到貨,那時候再分享。
CintiQ 24HD is really a huge monitor, my 59" desk is ate by her and I have no desk to use.  So I've called a order-make L-sharp desk, and will be arrived on the end of this month.  I will share at that time.



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