
顯示從 1月, 2016 起發佈的文章

如何練習繪畫角色 (How to practice drawing character) Part 2

好像有不少喜歡這題材的觀眾,所以決定繼續這個針對繪畫角色的『如何練習』系列。 It seems that many people like this topic.  I decided to keep writing this "How to practice" series against character drawing. 如果還沒有看過這系列的舊文章,請先到訪以下位置: If you have not yet view the old topics, please visit the following link: <  如何練習繪畫角色 (How to practice drawing character) Part 1  > 由於沒有更時程,內容也是自己有空時製作,所以這系列並沒有很好的分類。 As I have no schedule on this topic updates, I make this resources when I'm free.  There is no perfect sort and classification here. 本次內容主要是姿勢上的一些補充和建議,以及身體結構的說明。 On part 2, I will keep talking about pose, and also suggestions.  And also I will start to talk about body construction.

如何練習繪畫角色 (How to practice drawing character) Part 1

今次談一下關於如何練習繪畫角色,這個課題可以畫分很多部份,在這裡我會簡要說一下必要的東西。 Let me talk about how to practice drawing character.  There are many topics about drawing character, I'd like to talk something important here. 如果你已經畫得很好,就不用看下去,因為下面只是基本的東西,供初學者參考。 If you draw character well, you can leave now.  There is only basic things below for beginners.

人物設計 (Character Design)

學插畫或對插畫有興趣的人,大多以人物開始學起,原因很簡單,現在大部份的插畫作品主角都是角色,背景其他的都不多被消費者重視。 不過,背景其實是很重要的,這部份以待自己的功力很好後再分享吧。在這裡就分享一下人物角色的設計過程吧。 The first step of most people who learn drawing is character. The reason is very simple, most drawing on this century is concentrating on character, and most customers do not focus on background. However, background is a very important factor on a drawing.  I will share about background when I am good enough on it.  Here I'd like to share the process on character design.