如何練習繪畫角色 (How to practice drawing character) Part 2
好像有不少喜歡這題材的觀眾,所以決定繼續這個針對繪畫角色的『如何練習』系列。 It seems that many people like this topic. I decided to keep writing this "How to practice" series against character drawing. 如果還沒有看過這系列的舊文章,請先到訪以下位置: If you have not yet view the old topics, please visit the following link: < 如何練習繪畫角色 (How to practice drawing character) Part 1 > 由於沒有更時程,內容也是自己有空時製作,所以這系列並沒有很好的分類。 As I have no schedule on this topic updates, I make this resources when I'm free. There is no perfect sort and classification here. 本次內容主要是姿勢上的一些補充和建議,以及身體結構的說明。 On part 2, I will keep talking about pose, and also suggestions. And also I will start to talk about body construction.