[Tutorial 教學] 上色 Coloring
遲了很多的上色教學終於要來了!第一次做教學,在畫的時候常忘了要截圖。雖然頗麻煩,不過也很有趣,以後應該也會做的。 The coloring tutorial is here now! This is the first time to make tutorial, always forgot to take screen capture. The process was so troublesome but also interesting. I may make more tutorial in future. 這次作教材的是這幅…… This time I'd like to use this drawing for my tutorial…… pixiv: http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=39648434 テーマ:放課後のゆりゆりタイム 主題:放學後的百合百合時間 Theme: Yuri-Yuri time After School