手作賀咭!Hand-made celebrations card!
Colleague's daughter get marriage next month. So I made a celebrations cards. However, I have never met the bride and groom, I draw this by feeling from photo on the wedding invitation.
It's my first time to use this material, so I'd like to share the making process.
pixiv: http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=39883721
G+: http://goo.gl/7RzoGE
Let me tell what material I used! The card is made by two layer. The lower layer is Glossy Photo Paper, the top layer is tracing paper.
光面紙我選用了 Canon 的 PIXMA A4 170g/m2,牛油紙是 CANSON 的 A4 70g/m2。
Glossy Paper is Canon PIXMA A4 170g/m2, tracing paper is CANSON A4 70g/m2.
兩層材料用百特膠棒 (漿糊筆)在四角粘合。
Two layer is stuck on 4 corners by Pritt Glue Stick.
Then it's time to draw now!
Nothing to say, the first step is draft. Draw what you think first!
Coloring. Left side is lower layer, keep white for top layer. Right side is top layer, details are not necessary, color should not be so dark.
Top layer should be vertically reversed. This is to protect the ink to prevent from color faded out by touching on it.
Not only the lower layer, top layer should be printer with best photo mode. Tracing paper need much time to adsorb ink, be careful not to make it dirty.
Cut it out! Be careful not to cut your fingers~
Make some glue on the 4 corners of lower layer, then stick the top layer on it.
Color of product will be effected by environment light, color gradation will decided by contrast of drawing. According of tracing paper, ink will be melted a bit. So details will be dirty but not much effected to light color area.
Well, the share is up to here. That's what I was doing this week. Then it's time to make the promised coloring tutorial. I'll post it in these 2-3 days!