祝各位 馬年亨通,事事順景! Wish Everyone, have a good year! 同時, And the same time 基本練習 - 完成! Basic Practice - Completed! pixiv: http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=41281372 終於。。。五十張 Sketches 完成了!!真的辛苦各位了!無論是喜歡或不喜歡小弟作品的朋友們,以及給了小弟意見的朋友們,謝謝各位。 Finally...... Fifty sketches has completed! Here let me give my great thanks to all people watching my works. No matter you like or don't like my works, and also people who gave me opinions, let me say one more "THANKS" to all of you. 在這五十連自我修練的後半段,說實在真的很累人,因工作關係,每天畫的時間不多,最多只可以畫兩張,除了工作和睡覺外就差不多是畫畫了。在這樣比較極端的修練中,當看到自己的作品不到一小時就有近千次被看過的紀錄,的確是一支非常有用的強心針。現在看回最初的十張和最後的十張,已經看出這修練的成果,真的是非常高興! When this 50-sketch training went into last haft part, I really felt tired. I'm a office man, I have less time to draw. I can only draw at least 2 sketches a day. Except working and sleeping, I'm almost drawing. In this quiet extreme training, when I see the viewed counter of each drawing was grow...