新年快樂!Happy Chinese New Year!
Wish Everyone,
have a good year!
同時, And the same time
基本練習 - 完成! Basic Practice - Completed!
pixiv: http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=41281372
終於。。。五十張 Sketches 完成了!!真的辛苦各位了!無論是喜歡或不喜歡小弟作品的朋友們,以及給了小弟意見的朋友們,謝謝各位。
Finally...... Fifty sketches has completed! Here let me give my great thanks to all people watching my works. No matter you like or don't like my works, and also people who gave me opinions, let me say one more "THANKS" to all of you.
When this 50-sketch training went into last haft part, I really felt tired. I'm a office man, I have less time to draw. I can only draw at least 2 sketches a day. Except working and sleeping, I'm almost drawing. In this quiet extreme training, when I see the viewed counter of each drawing was growing up to near 1000 within 1 hour, my tire was gone and got much more power to draw the next. Now when I compare with the first 10 and last 10 sketches, I can see the result of this training. This is really really happy!
So let me say one more time "THANK YOU"☆
This self-training now finished. As promised, let me talk about the plan of this year!
●Sketch Album 畫冊
I will make a album for 50 sketches in this training,including the details of this training, reviews before/after, and review of a parts of sketches. (may delete 1-2 sketches)
●彩稿 Coloured works
I'll make coloured works for the high rated sketches, and also sketches which I like very much. The first coloured works is this last sketch because now is Chinese New Year. Planning to finish this section before summer.
●原作 Original works
After this self-training, I really learned that I have much much to be improve, shortage and careless should also be solved. So there should be less original works in this year. Planned in the end of last year, the Yuri 4-frame manga will also be delayed, but I will draw Yuri drawing when I have time. So I believed that most of original works in this year is festival related drawings.
Unconsciously write too long here. Thanks to all read to here. Say one more Happy Chinese New Year, wish all have a good year!